Monday, July 16, 2007

The Monday Wall

In the past whenever I've been getting into shape, whether it was for Crew or Cross Country the 3rd day of training has always been the wall for me. This morning I've got minor aches and pains throughout my legs and back and I haven't even started peddling yet. The good news is that if the past holds true it should start getting easier after today. In any case its off to work.

Today's ride was much like yesterday's only I managed 30mph at the first you're going this fast sign and 29mph at the next. The wind was still a factor today, but it wasn't nearly as strong. Near the end of the ride a honey bee smacked into my shoulder and hung on for dear life. He rode with me for about a mile until a came to a stop sign and decided to blow him off. This ride took me just over and hour at 1:06 so a little slower today, but that was on purpose as I'm going to try and ride back this evening if the weather holds.

The weather held, but Michelle convinced me to drive home with her instead of riding back. Its probably for the best as my legs are feeling a bit sore and stiff. On our way back we saw a cyclist on the side of the road with a flat. We stopped to make sure he had everything he needed and with his thanks an assurances that he was fine we left him to his own devices.

I'm currently 6'4" and around 145lbs, I tend to eat whatever I want but when I'm not exercising I tend to not eat as much. For me the hardest part about doing high endurance sports has always been the eating. I'm going to keep a rough log of what I put down in a day to see how my food intake changes with the intensity of my rides.

The Food Log:
Total Glasses of Water - 6
Breakfast - 16oz of Gatorade, 2 packets of instant oatmeal, and a banana
Lunch - Bertucci's: Two rolls, a side salad, and 3 pieces of a Lg. Chicken Margherita pizza.
Afternoon Snack - 1 piece of a Lg. Chicken Margherita Pizza, 16oz of Gatorade, 12oz of V8
Dinner - Lg Bowl of Macaroni & Cheese with Hot Dog pieces and Spinach, 1 glass of Cranberry Juice
After Dinner Snack - 4 Chocolate Chip Cookies, 1 glass of milk, and one tomato

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.