Monday, August 27, 2007

More Gas in the Tank

This Saturday during the Landry's group ride I rolled through my 500th mile on the bike since I bought it. I've definitely improved since then, with my main nemesis hills becoming a place where I gain ground instead of lose it. I still can't pull at the front for long periods of time, but if I'm on someones wheel I'm getting much better at hanging on to it at speed.

The group was pretty spread out on some sections of the ride which gave me a great opportunity to practice bridging gaps. Near the end of the ride I managed to bridge three sizable gaps to catch up to the leaders on one long stretch. Basically leap frogging from group to group and recovering on someones wheel before jumping again. Earlier in the ride I hit a big bump and lost one of my water bottles. That too gave me an opportunity to chase up through the pack to the leaders. There I made my move while we were going up a hill and managed to go from the back all the way to the leaders which was a gap of around a hundred yards in less than two-hundred traveled.

There aren't many races left this year, and they're all crits of some kind or another. I'm looking forward to next year where I'll have a chance to try some open road races. I have a feeling they'll suit me better than crits, but I'll just have to wait and see.

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