Monday, August 6, 2007

Mind Over Mind

When I woke up this morning my quads were really tight, and I really just wanted to roll over and go back to sleep. Instead I played proverbial footsie with the alarm clock for around a half hour before I finally convinced myself that riding into work at a nice even pace would do more to loosen up my muscles than driving into work and taking the day off.

The ride into work went well, and my legs did feel better after a nice long stretch after the ride. I've never personally seen any benefits from stretching cold muscles, so I tend to do all my stretching after I finish exercising or after a nice warm-up. To keep from pulling muscles I'm pretty careful to slowly warm myself up over the first 5-10 minutes before pushing.

This evening I replaced the front tire on my commuter wheel with a Dillo tire and it was a new record for me. I managed to get the old tire and tube off and then the new tire and tube on in around 15 minutes. So far each change has taken me at least a half hour or more so I was pretty pleased to have it go quickly. I feel like I'm really starting to get a technique down that works for me. Maybe when I have time I'll take pictures so people can tell me all the things I'm doing wrong.

I know it has nothing to do with cycling, but here's another picture from the Garden in the Woods I liked.

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