Thursday, August 9, 2007

Hill Attacks

I ended up not riding Tuesday and Wednesday as I wanted to rest for the Wednesday race on Tuesday and Wednesday the weather scared me away in the morning only to ignore the weather man and turn into a beautiful afternoon.

The ride into work today I had fresh legs and a head full of anger at missing the race yesterday so I really attacked the hills hard. I gave it everything I had to carry my speed up the hills and then over the top and down. In the end it took me just a few seconds under an hour to get to work, which I was pretty pleased with considering I had to stop for a car on the first downhill section, stop for construction on the second downhill section, and stop for a semi that was blocking the road as it slowly backed into a driveway. All told I did a good job of making up the time by really pushing up the hills.

I paid for it this afternoon with some really sore legs, but it is a pain I'm happy about. I'm off to Oregon for a family reunion this weekend and most of next week so I probably won't get a chance to ride again until next Friday. I'll be back in a week with some pictures and maybe even a story or two.

1 comment:

Father William said...

Father William writes whose family reunion?